Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell - Book Summary

Esta es la portada del audiolibro Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell - Book Summary

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Dean Bokhari FlashBooks

Narrado por

Dean Bokhari




21m 01s

(18 calificaciones)

Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell explores the intriguing circumstances and factors that work together to propel people toward success. Gladwell delves into the stories of notable people like Bill Gates and Mozart, as well as the professional hockey league to help you understand that success does not just come naturally. It is the result of unique opportunities, countless hours of hard work and practice, timing, culture, and practical as well as analytical intelligence.Here’s what you’ll learn about in this summary: The importance of extensive, focused practice in becoming an expertThe roles of luck, timing, and your cultural legacy in becoming successfulThe importance of working hard and building stamina in order to achieve your goalsAnd much, much more… Tweetable summaryExtraordinary success is usually a synergistic combination of hustle + heart + strategy sprinkled with a certain degree of luck. —(click to tweet)Crucial quote“People don’t rise from nothing.” —Malcolm Gladwell

Idioma: Inglés

Duración: 21m 01s

Publicado por Flashbooks

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