Escrito por
Stephanie White
Narrado por
Kip Ferguson
2h 04m 36s
(0 calificaciones)
2 books:Book 1: Mindfulness - The true path to enlightenment and inner peace begins with mindfulness. With all the distractions and temptations in the world nowadays, it becomes ever-so-ever important to be aware of our environment, and to do so in a significant, controlled, balanced way. Many have found and tapped into the power of mindfulness, a spiritual mindset and meditative method that allows the individual to expand his or her thoughts to the abundance of the universe. Topics in this guide include: The definition and best applications of mindfulness in everyday life. Tips, exercises, and practices to become more successful at this effective way of living. How to keep stress and anxiety away through thoughtful considerations. Book 2: Meditation - I don't think there is a need to point out or emphasize the importance and prevalence of meditation in this world today. Millions of people are meditating, and millions have learned how uplifting, enlightening, and inspiring it can be. Some people don't know where to begin, and others should still open their minds to some more advanced methods. In this guide, you'll find it all. You'll learn about the proven positions, breathing techniques, and more. Other subtopics include:The origin of meditation, and some historical perspectives on it.Mental, Spiritual, physical, and psychological benefits of meditation.The best tips for beginners to start practicing meditation.The main dos and don'ts.How stress relief can result from meditation.Sitting, breathing, and thinking correctly to help you get to that state of clear consciousness.Begin your journey to the realms of rest and peace of mind by incorporating meditation in your daily schedule.
Idioma: Inglés
Duración: 2h 04m 36s
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