Living a Life of Inner Peace

Esta es la portada del audiolibro Living a Life of Inner Peace

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2h 13m 32s

(2 calificaciones)

Eckhart Tolle has emerged as one of the finest spiritual teachers of our time. His message is simple yet profound and delivered in such a gentle, humorous way that a vast number of people from diverse backgrounds, traditions, and religions have embraced it.Living a Life of Inner Peace is a recording of one of Eckhart's most moving, transformative talks. The talk is relaxed and funny, and he conveys his message through stories and insightful observation. Eckhart makes us laugh at ourselves, while helping us break through habitual thinking to discover the eternal presence of the Now.When you listen, you discover that something deeper is happening beyond the words being spoken. A field of alert stillness arises where before there was mental noise. You find yourself in what Eckhart calls a state of presence, and it can lead to a dramatic transformation in the way you live your life.For those new to Eckhart's teachings, this is an ideal introduction. For those familiar with his work, be prepared for something fresh and extraordinary.

Idioma: Inglés

Duración: 2h 13m 32s

Publicado por New World Library