Escrito por
Stacey Kammerman
Narrado por
Stacey Kammerman
1h 01m 59s
(9 calificaciones)
Are you learning English as a second language? Do you need to learn English for your daily life? Now you can easily learn the essential English words and phrases to immediately improve communication at work, school, the doctor's office, the bank, etc. Navigate easily between lessons to learn with repetition. So take English for Life with you on a run, on your commute, or just on some down time, and communicate successfully in English. Learn short and simple phrases quickly and easily! No prior knowledge of English is required. Contents: El Barrio (The Neighborhood) La Tienda (The Store) El Banco (The Bank) La Oficina del Doctor (The Doctor's Office) La Farmacia (The Pharmacy) La Escuela (The School) El Trabajo (Work) La Oficina de Correos (The Post Office) Emergencias (Emergencies). Includes: 400+ Words and Phrases (1 hr audio) 1 Quick Reference Guide with Pronunciation Key A KAMMS Consulting Audio production.
Idioma: Español
Duración: 1h 01m 59s
Publicado por KAMMS Consulting