We've lost my prostate mate... and life goes on

This is the cover of the audiobook We've lost my prostate mate... and life goes on

Written by

Alan White

Narrated by

Fiona White Alan White Dave Stokes




3h 22m 35s

(0 calificaciones)

Being diagnosed with prostate cancer once in a lifetime is enough. In 2011, Alan White was facing a second round with this life-threatening disease.Alan’s years of experience as a natural health practitioner and counsellor helped him and his wife, Fiona, to make the choice that no man really wants to make – surgical removal of the prostate gland – and to recover, physically and emotionally.Talking about the things not usually discussed – sex after surgery, giant incontinence pads and how to wrangle your overnight urine bag – Alan shares his story and his discoveries. Fiona adds her tips for partners of men facing prostate cancer.We’ve lost my prostate, mate is Alan’s story about the diagnosis, the decision making, the surgery and the road to recovery. He shares the good, the bad and the ugly along the way, providing helpful tips for fellow prostate cancer sufferers. Armed with his irrepressible laughter and a very determined wife, Alan shows that there is life after losing your prostate, mate.

Language; Inglés

Duration: 3h 22m 35s

Published by author2audio